The Edge
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What is the Edge?

Is this really an answerable question? Who knows. Edge started off as a church youth group at OCF in Stourbridge under the leadership of the Whittakers, and inspired by a group of young lads including Dan McManus. After a while Andy Hodson a crazy radical bloke took over and the edge started climbing mountains and going on army style 'yomps'. There was hard-hitting spiritual accompaniment to this breathtaking wildness in the times when we didn't go out. The once we were rolling tractor tyres down hills and a girl nearly died. She didn't. Phew. That would have made things a bit difficult. Anywho, today the edge is a group led by Andy and occasionally Dan that meets most nights to go out and meet up whatever. They are just as much a group of friends as a youth group. They meet in Wall Heath EFC.

A spine we found.


Eagle or Owl?